Yandilla Mustard gratefully acknowledges the financial and other support it has received from The Farm Co-operatives and Collaboration Pilot Program (Farming Together Program) which is supported by a $14,934,000 (inclusive of GST) grant auspiced to Southern Cross University to administer the Program by the Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Yandilla Mustard holds the exclusive rights to a range of non-GMO, CSIRO-bred, Brassica Juncea (Mustard) varieties that express a range of premium high-glucosinolate, and the worlds first non-erucic acid seed.
This unique regional production, processing and marketing business seeks to meet both its domestic and a rapidly increasing overseas demand for high quality premium low-erucic acid mustard products.
With the ever-increasing demand for healthy oils and food products, Yandilla is placed well with seed bred for Australian climatic conditions and is non-GMO placing it in a unique market position compared with many other edible oils.
Yandilla Mustard is the only mustard oil imported into the USA approved by the FDA for human consumption and in 2017 won a bronze in the Fine Food Category up against some 3,000 entrants in the New York.